drawn by
a Bethesda Student

The stop sign is one of the things that keeps the classroom running
smoothly. Each day a child is chosen to show the stop sign. This
signals kids
to begin cleaning up and to transition
to the next

At morning meeting, students eagerly raise their hands to be chosen to report the weather to the class. Every morning the children gather for a meeting where they share thoughts with each other and hear about the activities planned for the day.
We are accepting application for the 2024-25 school year now!
Call or email now to schedule an in-person tour of our program. A meeting with our director on Zoom is also an option. We encourage you to check out our Virtual Tour and email for more information. You can fill out this APPLICATION and email it to Sara, our director.
The first step in applying to Bethesda Nursery School's 2024-2025 academic year is to visit our program. We encourage you to visit during the fall prior to the year your child would attend. You may call the school to schedule a visit as early as October of 2024.
At the time of your visit, our director or senior teacher will provide you with a tour of the school, time to observe our activities, and answers to any questions you have about our program. You will also receive our application materials at your visit.
In December and January, we ask our current families to declare if they will be returning for the next school year. We next offer spaces to the siblings of current or previous students. By the end of January or beginning of February, we are able to start offering spaces to new families for the next school year.
We are happy to discuss our program with you at any time. Please contact our director by telephone at 203-787-5439 or by e-mail at any time.
Bethesda Nursery School is a private, non-profit preschool program licensed by the State of Connecticut and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Enrollment is open to all members of the community. Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis. No child applying for admission will be discriminated against because of his or her race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or disability.
When a family
accepts a space to enroll a child at Bethesda Nursery School, the family signs
a contract agreeing to pay the full amount of tuition for the academic year and
to be active participants in the school community. A non-refundable $300
deposit is required with the signed contract, which will be applied toward the
tuition owed for the school year.
Bethesda Nursery School has a strong commitment to providing financial assistance to families who cannot afford the full cost of attendance. Although we have limited resources, all families who desire financial assistance are encouraged to apply. Financial aid decisions are made in May for the following school year. Financial aid forms are available from the director.
305 St. Ronan St., New Haven, CT 06511 • (203) 787-5439 • bns@bethesdanurseryschool.org